i think lenaord is in jail for a hit and run haha...anyways he did my 3.55's and they came out mint even after i put them in wrong and drove it haha....my cover leaked a little but i had to change the gear oil after 2 weeks anyway....id go to DEZ or rpm in south attleboro and see richie....i can do just about everything to a stang except gears....dez will probly be a long wait tho...
"Nothing says "I LOVE YOU HONEY" like a smack across the dome with a camshaft"
kevin from MPE does everyones gears from southshore high performance to lenaord he has all the rotunda ford tooling to do the job perfect. He builds alot of rear ends for the factory Five car does nice work.
i wouldnt do anything but buy parts from eddie he has some good prices on used parts but would never let him work on my car heard to many storys mike dez is a great guy and does great work kevin sets up gears very well also