I don't really know about doing that, I just got a $50 ticket for it, that's the only violation. I want to fight it but don't really know how it would go in court. How can you argue that? Anyone ever done it? And also, are they gonna cancel my registration if I don't get a sticker now? And can I get ticketed again within the 20 days I have to pay the ticket?
And anyone know a place where theyre a little on the friendly side when it comes to getting stickers?
If your beyond the aloted 7 buisness days to have your car inspected then your fucked . If you get a catted H-pipe and your car is in a good state of tune you should be able to pass emissions testing. If you don't have the money or the access to one right now... I would get it inspected anyway. If it fails then you have 60 days to drive legally till you can obtain the parts needed to pass. Then once you get the sticker just throw on the off road exhaust again .
If not, apply for a waiver http://www.vehicletest.state.ma.us/faqs.html#faqqualifications
You only need to worry about it for 1 more year. Sept 2008, OBD1 cars will be exempt from emmissions
You are screwed on the ticket. They will give you a timeline for getting a legit sticker (or a loophole) or the car will be illegal to operate on the public road. Best chance to fight the ticket is ot get a legit sticker
i dont know what im going to do. im funcking hamered right now b utim thinking. but if i do out and get a sticker this week, will they still cancel my registration or no? i cant figure it wout right now. what if i get a rejection sticker, then cancel my reg myself and then re-reg it a day later? or do they put a hold on it, i cant figure it out.