Hey guys my name is Mike and i'm from N.H. New to the site I don't have a ride yet but i been trying to find a nice ride but no luck. Looking all over the net but not much luck looking to spend no more the 6000.00 i can deal with something that needs work but nothing crazy more or less put my plates on and drive it. If Anybody can help me find a ride that would be great looking for 1987-1993 but NO Convertible's. Thanks
Hey thanks for helping me find a ride. I was thinking about that one in fall river i try to call but no answer i wonder whats on it for mileage. It looks sharp
ill sell you my 97 cobra for 6500 its got 100 g but no stereo putting a clutch in it new alt car is dropped black . Im looking at an 04 to purchase . pm me if interested my name is rob.