So today I was on my way to my grandmothers with Dan and we were going down 123 in Norton top down and some lady was turning into Norton Health and no big deal I come to a stop behind here waiting for her to turn...and about 4 seconds later I hear tires sliding and BANG!!! I get fucking rear ended by some 16 year old fucking norton glenn welfare recipient in a shitbox Olds Cutlass going about 40-50(remember I was at a dead stop in traffic). So Somehow me and Big Dan didnt murder the fucking kid..we were SO SO SO VERY close though. So my Rear bumpers fucked, my exhuast is bent right into the left rear tire, gas tanks moved over a little, and something up front is fucked from getting whacked while having my foot on the breaks. So now I have to deal with all of this bullshit and have my car out of commision for a while, luckily my uncle is the head body man at Desantis so hopefully I'll get a full paintjob out of the deal..but ya it sucks and now I cant drive my car for who knows how the fuck long..
i'm an auto insurance apparaiser , by the sounds of the gas tank being shifted they may total it by the book value and mileage , doesn't take much to total a car of that age , a bumper could do it unfortunatley . if they do just buy it back and fix it
Ya the appraiser is coming tomorrow, but I'm not taking no 3 grand book value..I'm into it for at least 6 or 7 so I'll fight them to the death for some more money and then buy it back if I have to..we'll see how it goes
I am an appraiser and the car may total out. Used parts are available, but they may not be cheap or good quality. It won't take much to total the car. NADA is probably a couple grand on it. All your upgrades may not be worth anything. It doesn't make the car worth more. Basically full paint job, complete motor/tranny and tires will up the value. The rest is usually seen as general maintenance. Also the more you push for $$$$ the higher the salvage value will be that they will withhold.
Dave post a picture of the scratch on your bumper. He is gonna write you up for a rear bumper, stock replacement tailpipes and not too much more my friend. I can almost guarentee it is not gonna exceed 800 dollars. If you dissagree remember I worked at VW in the shop for 3 yrs and another 3 at Precision Auto Body so care to bet????